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HRC Flexible Shaft Couplings Selection Procedure

HRC Flexible Shaft Couplings Selection Procedure

Table 1 – Service Factors

Type of Load Driven Driver
Electric motors, Light Turbines Internal Combustion Engine >=4 cylinders Internal Combustion Engine 1 – 3 cylinders
Uniform No Vibration Agitators, conveyors, centrifugal pumps and compressors, centrifugal fans, generators and machine tools 1 1.4 1.8
Moderate No Vibration Agitators, conveyors, hoisting equipment, bucket elevators, textile machines, mixers, printing machinery, sawmill machinery, rotary pumps 1.4 2 2.4
Substantial Vibrations Hoisting equipment, calendars, crushers, dredgers, revolving furnaces, print presses, cutting presses, rotary compressors 2 2.4 2.8
HeavyShocks & Vibration Crushers, extruders, rubber mixers, reciprocating pumps, and conveyors, reciprocating compressors, vibrating screens 2.4 2.8 3.2

Table 2 – Operating Hours Factor

> 2 8 16
<= 2 8 16
L 0.9 1 1.1 1.2

Table 3 – Starting Frequency Factor

> 1 30 60
<= 1 30 60
S 1 1.2 1.3 1.5

Coupling Selection Procedure

  • Select Service Factor (Table 1).
  • Nominal power multiplied by Service Factor equals temporary designed power K
  • Designed power should then be multiplied by Factor L (Table 2) and S (Table 3).
  • K x L x S gives the design power, which is used for coupling selection in Table 4.
  • Check from dimensional tables that chosen coupling has room to be mounted.

Table 4 – Size of Coupling

rpm KW
7 9 11 13 15 18 23 28
100 0.35 0.88 1.75 3.44 6.59 10.43 22.00 34.65
200 0.69 1.75 3.52 6.88 13.18 20.86 44.02 69.30
400 1.39 3.51 7.04 13.77 26.37 41.72 88.04 138.60
600 2.08 5.25 10.55 20.65 39.55 62.58 132.06 207.90
800 2.78 7.00 14.07 27.53 52.73 83.44 176.08 277.20
1000 3.47 8.75 17.59 34.42 65.92 104.30 220.10 346.50
1200 4.16 10.50 21.11 41.30 79.10 125.20 264.12 415.80
1400 4.86 12.25 24.62 48.18 92.28 146.02 308.13 485.10
1600 5.55 14.00 27.14 55.07 105.47 166.88 352.15 554.10
1800 6.25 15.76 31.66 61.95 118.65 187.74 396.17 623.70
2000 6.94 17.51 35.18 68.83 131.83 208.60 440.19 693.00
2200 7.64 19.26 38.69 75.72 145.01 229.46 484.21 762.30
2400 8.33 21.00 42.21 82.60 158.20 250.32 528.23
2800 9.72 24.51 49.25 96.37 184.57 292.04
3000 10.41 26.26 52.76 103.25 197.75 312.90
3500 12.15 30.64 61.56 120.46 230.71
4000 13.88 35.01 70.35 136.67
4500 15.62 39.39 79.14
5000 17.35 43.76 87.94
5500 19.09 48.14
6000 20.82 52.52
6500 25.56
7000 24.30
7500 26.03

Dynamic Balance Required

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