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Chainrider Type CR

Chainrider Type CR

The RESATEC® Chainriders Type CR/CRS made of high quality Plastics (Vesconite), together with the RESATEC® Tensioner Type TE make an excellent, smooth running low cost chain tensioner. As both sides of the rider can be used, you may get a very high service life. The chainriders can be built up for duplex roller-chains. The combination of CRS/TEi make up a corrosion and maintenance-free chain tensioner.

Type A B C ØD S M L Chain Weight(kg) L
CR 3/8″ 74 40 10.2 8 ISO-06B 0.02
CR 1/2″ 96 50 13.9 10 ISO-08B 0.05
CR 5/8″ 125 55 16.5 10 ISO-10B 0.08
CR 3/4″ 147 80 19.5 12 ISO-12B 0.12
CRS 3/8″-8S  74 40 10.2 8 18-35 M8 45 ISO-06B 0.05 TE2
CRS 1/2″-10S 96 50 13.9 10 23-45 M10 60 ISO-08B 0.11 TE3/4
CRS 5/8″-10S 125 55 16.5 10 24-44 M10 60 ISO-10B 0.14 TE4
CR5 3/4″-12S 147 80 19.5 12 30-60 M12 80 ISO-12B 0.22 TE5
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