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Inserts Parts & Screw Types (Metal/Brass)

Inserts Parts & Screw Types (Metal/Brass)

Screw connection with Brass
Brass inset parts Cheese head screws
Screw connection with VA inset parts
VA inset parts VA cheese head screws

Cheese head screws according to DIN 7984 (Zinc-plated) with hexagon socket and pressed head.

Belt Type Screw type Screw Length L D H
ATN10 / ATN12.7
M4x8 8 (mm) 7.0 2.8
M4x12 12 (mm) 7.0 2.8
M4x16 16 (mm) 7.0 2.8
ATN20 / ATNS20 M5x12 12(mm) 8.5 3.5
M5x16 16 (mm) 8.5 3.5
M5x20 20 (mm) 8.5 3.5

Screw types:

Cheese head screws according to DIN 7984 (VA, material number 1.4301) with hexagon socket and pressed head.

Belt Type Screw type Screw Length L D H
ATN10 / ATN12.7
VA M4x8 8 (mm) 7.0 2.8
VA M4x12 12 (mm) 7.0 2.8
VA M4x16 16 (mm) 7.0 2.8
ATN20 / ATNS20 VA M5x12 12(mm) 8.5 3.5
VA M5x16 16 (mm) 8.5 3.5
VA M5x20 20 (mm) 8.5 3.5

Attention: These screws are exclusively designed for the application in Brass and VA inset parts. They are not self threading and insufficient for plastic inset parts.

Recommended maximum screw-in torques for the connection
Flight Material
Inset part Belt type Polyamide Metal
Brass/VA ATN10 / 12.7 100 (Ncm) 100 (Ncm)
ATN20 150(Ncm)m 150(Ncm)

Ordering example:

Inset parts made of Brass or VA:
ET-MS-ATN10 / 12.7 or ET-VA-ATN10 /12.7 inset parts
made of brass for ATN timing belts with the pitch 10
and 12.7 in design “DC”: ET-MS-ATN10 / 12.7 DC

Ordering example:

Cheese head screw: ATN20 screws M5x16
Cheese head screw (VA): ATN20/12.7 VA screws M4x12

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