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BRECOgreen Timing Belts – Environment-friendly efficiency

BRECOgreen Timing Belts – Environment-friendly efficiency

BRECO Antriebstechnik’s most recent timing belts development combines resource conservation and complete operating safety.

With the introduction of BRECOgreen and BRECOFLEXgreen the drive technology manufacturer and Mulco member BRECO Antriebstechnik steps into the age of environment protection and provides professional users with an environment-friendly polyurethane timing belt. With a 37 % renewable raw material content, this product sets new standards of sustainability.

At the same time, complete operating safety is guaranteed. BRECOgreen and BRECOFLEXgreen are just as durable and long-lasting as timing belts made of oil-based thermoplastic polyurethane.

The development of this green timing belt makes one thing clear: Discovering new production methods and materials is worth it. Often they trigger even more technical development and act as a positive example. This is the path to an integrated, innovative approach. And if this approach helps the environment, that makes it even better!

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