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Metric and Imperial Racks, Helical Racks & Pinions

Range Features

  • 0.5-8.0 MOD/4-32DP
  • Steel EN8, (080M40/080M46/212A42) normalised or equivalent
  • Stainless Steel
  • Induction or flame hardening available
  • Moulded Nylon 6 (PA6), 30% Glass filled
  • White HOSTAFORM® C
  • DURACON® M25-44
  • Moulded Acetal/DELRIN® teeth machined
  • Intermediate sizes and special racks to drawing


What is a Rack and Pinion?

A Rack and Pinion is a type of linear actuator,

What does a Rack and Pinion look like?

A Rack and Pinion is a bar with teeth on one face (the Rack) and a matching toothed wheel (the Pinion).

How does a Rack and Pinion work?

When the teeth of a Pinion is meshed with the teeth of a matching Rack, its rotational movement is converted to linear motion.

What does a Rack and Pinion do?

A Rack and Pinion converts rotational motion into linear motion.

Where is a Rack and Pinion used?

Vehicle steering, rack railways, robots, water gates, actuators, machine tools, presses.

Good to know about Racks and Pinions?

Racks with machined ends can be joined together to form any length.

Metric & Imperial Racks:

Helical Racks & Pinions:

News / Case Studies

NEW Stainless Steel Components Keep It Clean

If you are looking for stainless steel components that suit hygienic or clean environments then ...
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