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Esband Conveyor Belts

Esband Conveyor Belts

Esband conveyor belts produced according to the truly endless method enable frictionless processes. Each category of goods transported requires a specific type of band; each enviroment makes its specific demands.

The following list includes the most important field applications


For paper processing and paper handling Esband offers bands with various degrees of elasticity, high ozone-resistance, high breaking strength or low elongation, based on your requirements.

Typical applications:
Printing machines, Copier and scanners, Cash dispensing and ticket issuing machines, Paper and cardboard processing machines.

Weighing Technology

Esband brings weighing technology to peak perfection as their belts are truly homogeneous over their entire length (including weight), with exactly adapted coating and elongation characerisitcs, special surface finishes and low-friction covers on the running side

Typical applications:
For lightweight bulk materials and unit goods, Dynamic weighing devices, Knife edges, Small bending radii.

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Special Conveyor Belts

Esband supplies conveyor belts with special surface treatments for conveying of individual goods and bulk materials under extreme conditions.

Typical applications:
Sharp ascent angles, Highest temperatures, Feeders, Conveyor, Synchronous and/or vacuum transport.

Bulk Material and Unit Goods

Esband perfectly transport individual goods and bulk materials in all weight categories with exactly matched coefficients of friction, ideal elongation characterisitcs, self-tracking guides, perforations for vaccum transport, etc.

Typical applications:
Fixed shaft centre distances, Knife edges, Slider beds, Vacuum transport.

Food Transport

Esband enables delicate processing and packaging of food. Their belts are FDA/BGA approved, easy to clean, temperature resistant, with varying degrees of elasticity and flexibility and various coefficients
of friction.

Typical applications:
Knife edge, Transfer stations, Automatic packaging machines, Cheese-making, Bakery lines.

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