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Leaf chains type series BL

Leaf chains type series BL

Chain Nominal pitc Lacing Widthover
PinØ Plate thickness Plate height Effectivelength
100 x pitch*
Bearing area Breaking  load    ISO Weight
ISO p l₁ B d₂ s g₁ f FB q
max. max. max. max. min.
No. No. mm inch mm mm mm mm mm mm cm2 kN kg/m
BL 544 LH 1044 15,875 5/8 4 x 4 22,7 20,0 5,95 2,46 15,1 1592 0,57 66,8 1,86
BL 546 LH 1046 15,875 5/8 4 x 6 27,7 24,8 5,95 2,46 15,1 1592 0,86 66,8 2,32
BL 566 LH 1066 15,875 5/8 6 x 6 32,1 29,7 5,95 2,46 15,1 1592 0,86 100,2 2,77
BL 844 LH 1644 25,4 1 4 x 4 37,9 33,2 9,53 4,06 24,0 2544 1,49 169,0 4,72
BL 846 LH 1646 25,4 1 4 x 6 46,1 41,4 9,53 4,06 24,0 2544 2,23 169,0 5,88
BL 866 LH 1666 25,4 1 6 x 6 54,4 49,4 9,53 4,06 24,0 2544 2,23 253,6 7,04

* Chain length tolerance ± 0,25 % of unoiled chain under measuring force.

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