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Welded On Profiles and Flights Types

Welded On Profiles and Flights Types

Profile/Flight with reliefs

The flexibility of the belt will not be affected if the appropriate reliefs are designed into the profiles or flights.

Profile/Flight with inserts

For special applications, profiles or flights can be manufactured with moulded inserts. Standard inserts can be drilled, tapped and threaded in a wide variety of sizes. Customers who wish to supply inserts must supply an additional 5% to allow for sample batches. Please contact our Technical Department to ensure that the correct inserts are supplied. In the majority of cases, profiles or flights are positioned directly over a tooth, (i.e. the profile/flight pitch is exactly divisible by the belt pitch). A pitch error between the profiles or flights and belt is thus avoided as each profile or flight is positioned relative to the belt teeth rather than being indexed from the last profile/flight, which causes any errors in profile positioning to accumulate along the belt length.


Flash occurs between the profile or flight and the back of the belt as a result of the welding process employed. (See Fig.2 right). The flash radius can be between 0.5 and 1mm. If the flash will impair the function of the profile or flight, please order profiles or flights “with flash removed”.

Profile with drilled holes

Holes can be drilled into profiles to suit special attachments. Standard tolerances as shown, left.

Note: The profiles are drilled before they are welded to the belt.

Profile pairs

Profiles in pairs are preferred for conveying when positioning or depositing is required. Standard tolerance between profile pairs is +/- 0.5mm. A tolerance of ± 0.2mm is attainable with special tooling. There is a tooling charge for this service.

Ordering example

A drawing of the profiled or flighted belt is preferred when ordering, although a profiled or flighted belt can be ordered by description alone

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