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Poly Vflex PL Section Belts

Poly Vflex PL Section Belts

Available types for PL section Poly Vflex

  • Single sided (standard)
  • Constant thickness
  • Polyester tension members
  • Special compounds/aramid tension members upon request**
  • Anti-static, ground back/machined**

*  where indicated
**minimum order quantities may apply

Preferred numbers of ribs
Intermediate and larger numbers of ribs upon request
8 12 16

Technical Specification

Power range up to 100kW
RPM range 0-7,000rpm
Speed range 0-50m/s
Min. pulley diameter 70mm
Mass/length/rib (Mi) 0.032kg/m/rib
Installation tension 140 to200 N/rib/s

Outside idler

dmin= 200mm

Inside idler

dmin= 100mm
Effective length Max no. ribs Effective length Max no. ribs Effective length Max no. ribs
mm inch mm inch mm inch
1075 42.3 100 1943 76.5 100 3086 121.5 100
1270 50.0 100 1981 78.0 100 3124 123.0 100
1333 52.5 100 2020 79.5 100 3289 129.5 100
1371 54.0 100 2070 81.5 100 3327 131.0 100
1397 55.0 100 2096 82.5 100 3492 137.5 100
1422 56.0 100 2197 86.5 100 3606 142.0 100
1562 61.5 100 2235 88.0 100 3696 145.5 100
1613 63.5 100 2324 91.5 100 4051 159.5 100
1664 65.5 100 2362 93.0 100 4470 176.0 100
1715 67.5 100 2476 97.5 100 4622 182.0 100
1764 69.4 100 2515 99.0 100 5029 198.0 100
1803 71.0 100 2845 112.0 100 5385 212.0 100
1841 72.5 100 2997 118.0 100 6096 240.0 100

*Available special order
More lengths available in PL section. Please ask if the size you require is not shown.

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