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B Section Classical Wrapped Belts

B Section Classical Wrapped Belts

Classical V Belts
Section Dimensions W x H (mm) Min. pulley dia. PCD (mm) Std. belt lengths (mm)
B 17 x 11 100 572 -6300
B Section
Belt Code = Belt section, Inside length (Li) in inches
B22.5 B38.5 B58 B86 B118 B162
B23 B39 B59 B87 B120 B164
B24 B39.5 B60 B88 B122 B165
B25 B40 B61 B89 B124 B167
B25.5 B40.5 B62 B90 B125 B168
B26 B41 B63 B91 B126 B170
B26.5 B42 B64 B92 B128 B173
B27 B42.5 B65 B94 B130 B175
B28 B43 B66 B95 B131 B177
B28.5 B43.5 B67 B96 B132 B180
B29 B44 B68 B97 B133 B185
B29.5 B45 B69 B98 B134 B187
B30 B45.5 B70 B99 B135 B192
B31 B46 B71 B100 B136 B195
B31.5 B46.5 B72 B101 B138 B197
B32 B47 B73 B102 B140 B200
B32.5 B48 B74 B103 B142 B204
B33 B48.5 B75 B104 B144 B208
B33.5 B49 B76 B105 B146 B210
B34 B50 B77 B106 B147 B217
B34.5 B51 B78 B107 B148 B220
B35 B52 B79 B150 B150 B224
B35.5 B52.5 B80 B109 B151 B225
B36 B53 B81 B110 B152 B226
B36.5 B54 B82 B112 B154 B236
B37 B55 B83 B114 B155 B238
B37.5 B56 B84 B115 B156 B240
B38 B57 B85 B116 B158 B248
Belt Code = Belt section, Inside length (Li) in inches, VFLEX
B22.5 B38.5 B58 B86 B118 B162
B23 B39 B59 B87 B120 B164
B24 B39.5 B60 B88 B122 B165
B25 B40 B61 B89 B124 B167
B25.5 B40.5 B62 B90 B125 B168
B26 B41 B63 B91 B126 B170
B26.5 B42 B64 B92 B128 B173
B27 B42.5 B65 B94 B130 B175
B28 B43 B66 B95 B131 B177
B28.5 B43.5 B67 B96 B132 B180
B29 B44 B68 B97 B133 B185
B29.5 B45 B69 B98 B134 B187
B30 B45.5 B70 B99 B135 B192
B31 B46 B71 B100 B136 B195
B31.5 B46.5 B72 B101 B138 B197
B32 B47 B73 B102 B140 B200
B32.5 B48 B74 B103 B142 B204
B33 B48.5 B75 B104 B144 B208
B33.5 B49 B76 B105 B146 B210
B34 B50 B77 B106 B147 B217
B34.5 B51 B78 B107 B148 B220
B35 B52 B79 B108 B150 B224
B35.5 B52.5 B80 B109 B151 B225
B36 B53 B81 B110 B152 B226
B36.5 B54 B82 B112 B154 B236
B37 B55 B83 B114 B155 B238
B37.5 B56 B84 B115 B156 B240
B38 B57 B85 B116 B158 B248

  Items highlighted are preferred sizes available from stock

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