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Stainless Steel Attachment Roller Chain

Stainless Steel Attachment Roller Chain

  • Sprockets made of Stainless Steel or Plastic are available on request.
  • For untoleranced dimensions DIN ISO 2768 c applies
  • Main dimensions according to DIN 8187/ 8188
Basic chain Pitch Inner width Inner link width Outer plate width Roller Ø Plate height Attachment dimensions
p b1 b2 b3 d1 g m Dl l F H lf Hf s DZ19 LZ19 FZ19
ISO min. max. min. max. max. h9
No. No. Ind. mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
450 RF 05 B-1 8,0 3,00 4,77 4,90 5,00 7,1 8,0 3,2 6,6 12,0 5,0 7,5 13,0 0,80 4,0 10 13,3
455 RF 06 B-1 1,21 9,525 5,72 8,53 8,66 6,35 8,2 8,0 3,5 9,5 13,5 6,5 9,0 13,4 1,25 5,0 15 20,7
331 RF 081 17 12,7 3,30 5,80 5,93 7,75 9,9 10,5 3,5 9,0 15,1 7,0 11,5 17,7 0,95 5,0 15 19,0
40 RF 21 12,7 7,85 11,15 11,28 7,95 12,0 10,5 3,5 11,8 17,9 7,9 11,5 17,7 1,50 5,0 15 22,2
332 RF 17 12,7 4,88 7,20 7,33 7,75 9,9 10,5 3,5 9,7 15,8 7,0 11,5 17,7 0,95 5,0 15 19,7
462 RF 08 B-1 21 12,7 7,75 11,30 11,43 8,51 11,8 12,5 4,5 13,1 19,0 10,0 14,7 20,3 1,60 6,0 15 22,4
501 RF 10 B-1 21 15,875 9,65 13,28 13,41 10,16 14,7 15,0 5,5 16,7 27,0 10,0 17,2 26,7 1,70 6,5 20 28,5
513 RF 12 B-1 21 19,05 11,68 15,62 15,75 12,07 16,1 18,5 6,6 18,5 29,0 11,0 18,7 29,0 1,80 7,0 20 29,8
548 RF 16 B-1 16,21 25,4 17,02 25,40 25,60 15,88 21,0 25,0 10,0 28,9 41,8 18,0 28,6 41,5 3,00 10,0 30 45,9

1With straight sided plates.
16 On inner link.
17Can also be supplied with m = 16.
19Other dimensions available on request.
21Also with single hole bent attachments on inner link.

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