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Ethics Code of Practice

Ethics Code of Practice

Transmission Developments is committed to conducting all of its business in an honest and ethical manner. We are first and foremost represented by our people, who as a team work hard to earn the trust of the public, customers, suppliers, partners, government organisations,  the wider business community and each other.

Our Principles

These are the 10 ethical principles that define our ethical culture and which shape our team approach:

  1. Conduct business with honesty, integrity and the highest ethical standards
  2. Seeking personal growth whilst encouraging colleagues to grow and excel benefits all
  3. Embrace diversity and value different perspectives and experiences
  4. Make a positive contribution to the communities in which you work
  5. Honour your commitments and do not promise what you or Transmission Developments cannot deliver
  6. Do not misrepresent to anyone who we are, what we do or what services we provide
  7. Abide by and comply with the laws, regulations and rules that govern us, wherever we operate in the world
  8. Do not sacrifice our values or our goals for the “quick win;” we are focused on building long-term success, stability and excellence
  9. The way you conduct business is as important as the business results you achieve
  10. Celebrate and reward successes and encourage and support each other

Bribery & Corruption

In accordance with the Bribery Act 2010 we operate robust policies and procedures to guard against any illegal behaviour.

Transmission Developments acts openly in relation to all of its dealings with customers, colleagues, suppliers and all third party contacts. If any of our colleagues, customers, suppliers or any third party we work with have any concerns or issues that they wish to raise then they should contact our Managing Director, Chris Cowler.

Transmission Developments has a zero tolerance approach to any breach of the Bribery Act 2010 and any issues raised will be treated with the utmost importance.

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