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BIATHLON KS Triplex Low Maintenance Roller Chain

BIATHLON KS Triplex Low Maintenance Roller Chain

Chain Pitch Inner width Inner
link width
Outer plate width Roller
Plate height Projection over connecting link Width over
Bearing area Breaking
Weight Connecting links
p b1 b2 b3 d1 d2 e g k l3 f FB q
min. max. min. max. max. max. max. max. min.
No. mm inch mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm cm2 kN kg/m No.
08 B-3 BI KS  12,700  1/2  7,75  11,30  11,43  8,51  4,45  13,92  11,8  3,9  44,9  1,51  56,0  2,01  11,12,15
10 B-3 BI KS  15,875  5/8  9,65  13,28  13,41  10,16  5,08  16,59  14,7  4,1  52,8  2,02  80,0  2,70  11,12,15
12 B-3 BI KS  19,050  3/4  11,68  15,62  15,75  12,07  5,72  19,46  16,1  4,6  61,7  2,68  94,0  3,12  11,12,15
16 B-3 BI KS  25,400  1  17,02 25,40 25,60 15,88  8,28  31,88  21,0  5,4  99,9  6,31  211,0  7,50  11,111,12
20 B-3 BI KS  31,750  1 1/4  19,56  29,00  29,20  19,05  10,19  36,45  26,4  6,1  116,0  8,87  300,0  10,60  111,12
24 B-3 BI KS  38,100  1 1/2  25,40  37,90  38,20  25,40  14,63  48,36  33,4  6,6  150,0  16,63  523,0  20,00  111,12

Can also be supplied with attachments and straight plates (type series GL).
Chains 16-B GLS available with plate height g = 21 mm (max.) and as type series GL with g = 24 mm (max.).
Standard sprockets can be used for these chains.

Connecting links

No. 11 (E)
Spring clip connecting link
No. 111 (S)
Connecting link with cottered pin
No. 12 (L)
Single cranked link
No. 15 (C)
Double cranked link

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