Antistatic Conductivity Meter
Polyurethane timing belts can generate substantial static charges during normal use, which can be dissipated by means of a TransDev antistatic coating and tested by means of a TransDev Antistatic Conductivity Meter.
Dielectric materials are by definition poor conductors of electricity. When such materials are separated after contact with either a conducting material or another insulating material, a static electric charge can be produced by the capacitance effect, which can lead to sparking or crackling. This effect can also occur with belts which are insulating when they run on metal pulleys. The electric discharges which result can cause the following problems:
- Interference with electronic equipment
- Risk of ignition or explosion of flammable materials
- Risk of shocks to the operator from the high voltages which can be generated
The British Standard BS2050 (1978), DIN 22104 and ISO 9563 are the recognised specifications which cover the test procedures and accepted levels for rubber and polyurethane timing belts relating to anti static properties. The maximum surface resistance for BS2050 5×10 x 1 (8*b) Ohms and for DIN EN 3 x 10 Ohms.
Antistatic Meter details
TransDev is able to supply you with an Antistatic Conductivity Meter. This pocket sized conductivity meter measures the conductivity on an antistatic coated belt..
The meter uses correctly spaced contact probes to ‘A.S.T.M.’ standard D-257 for sensing its measurements, with an accuracy of half decade. It is operated by a 9 volt battery, providing 40 hours of testing time.
The meter measures surface conductivity by simply placing the instrument on the surface of the coated belt to be checked and pressing the green test button. The appropriate L.E.D. will illuminate from 1010 Ohms per square. To measure surface conductivity over an unspecified distance insert the earth lead into the earth socket. This isolates the test probe on the right side of the monitor. Attach the crocodile clip to the antistatic coated belt and place the monitor on the belt surface at the required position, press and hold the test button. The L.E.D. that illuminates constantly indicates the decade measured.
Antistatic coatings
TransDev has developed a post manufacturing electrically conductive black coating, which complies with the above specifications and is available on all neoprene rubber timing belts and 3 different polyurethane substrates (Breco Desmopan 590, Desmopan 385 and SYNCHROFLEX®). Certification is available for all belt types.
The antistatic timing belt is, therefore, a specific and new solution for all those who operate in hazardous industrial fields where static build-up would present potentially disastrous circumstances (eg chemicals, mining, oil and electronics). It is obvious that during the working life of the drive the eventual reduction of conductivity means that the testing of the belt’s resistance in a planned maintenance schedule is important.